Author: Asst Editor

Hospice of Wichita falls fall volunteer classes begin

WICHITA FALLS (KFDX KJTL) — Hospice of Wichita Falls officials will host the first of their fall volunteer training classes. To become a volunteer, folks … See the full Hospice Volunteers article.

Difference Maker

Cammeyer was nominated for the honor by Monica Mayer, a former Zusman Hospice worker. “She helped me tremendously with the startup of my … See the full Hospice Worker article.

Why GPs should be involved in palliative care

Palliative care aims to “palliate” or to improve symptoms in people with … and in the community through teams of specialist palliative care nurses. See the full Hospice Nurses article.

Hospice nurse fired during cancer treatment

A Nolensville nurse was fired from a job she loved while undergoing chemo therapy. Now, she’s fighting back. “You do not choose to do that job if you … See the full Hospice Nurses article.

Handbags for Hospice event to be held in Kincardine

The third annual Handbags for Hospice event is set to go at the Kincardine … not-for-profit, volunteer-led, community-funded residential hospice. See the full Hospice Volunteers article.

TCMH Hospice of Care to offer training on Friday

HOUSTON, Mo. — Texas County Memorial Hospital Hospice of Care will provide training for new Hospice of Care volunteers this Friday, September … See the full Hospice Volunteers article.

Karaoke hostess: ‘Ms. Purple’

Kasie’s (Tiffany Chu) tightly circumscribed world begins to unravel when her dad’s hospice nurse quits, tired of the pressures of caring for an elderly … See the full Hospice Nurses article.