Category: Hospice Worker

Local hospice holds plant sale fundraiser

Based on an assessment by the on-site hospice worker, they are informed of a need through a simple written grant request. Their board has created … See the full Hospice Worker article.

Howard Ray Heneisen, 76, Eureka

He volunteered as a Khoury League manager and coach, a hospice worker, and a missionary worker. He enjoyed singing in the church choir, … See the full Hospice Worker article.

Dustin Diamond’s loves ones discuss his final days

A hospice worker and his friend Jules were preparing the bedroom while the 44-year-old actor was still on a gurney in the lounge when Tash tragically … See the full Hospice Worker article.

She did not go gentle into that good night

The End: In the final days, another angel visits: a hospice worker, who ushers Dane through the last few pages. In a scene that sent shivers through … See the full Hospice Worker article.