Category: Hospice Worker

Fund provides people in hospice with everyday joys

It was a call from a hospice worker at Lehigh Valley Health Network, asking if Fry would be interested in putting on a show for a husband and wife in … See the full Hospice Worker article.

Morning Notes

Hospice Worker Accused of Sexual Assault — A 57-year-old Arlington man has been charged “with sexually assaulting a hospice patient in October. See the full Hospice Worker article.

Infectious disease doc fights ‘life’s final war’

“He was barely communicative,” Erik said, “but I do remember the hospice worker saying, ‘Hey, this is your son. He’s on the screen. Do you see that?’. See the full Hospice Worker article.

Gilbert, Dean Austin

Thank you to Hillary , the hospice worker that made his passing exactly how he wanted. “We were very proud when each of our kids married real good … See the full Hospice Worker article.