Category: Hospice Worker

Villa Maria to host retreat for caregivers

… doctor, massage therapist, counselor, chiropractor, energy workers, hospice worker or participate in other “healing arts” or work as a volunteer, or if … See the full Hospice Worker article.

Fire at hospice in Poland kills 4 patients; others hurt

Michał Sienkiewicz, a police official, told the television broadcaster TVN24 that the fire was probably caused by a hospice worker’s cigarette. See the full Hospice Worker article.

The greatest gift my mom ever gave me | Opinion

My sister and I brought in a hospice worker. “Both of you will survive this ordeal. You are the children of a survivor.” My sister and I decided to rotate … See the full Hospice Worker article.

Ferro: What happened today that you are grateful for?

And my sister Joy baking cookies for the hospice worker about to visit because she felt a need to cheer up a lady who spent her days visiting dying … See the full Hospice Worker article.

Nominate a Citizen of the Year, Unsung Hero

… in the schools, a lay minister who visits the homebound, a neighbor who looks out for the elderly, a hospice worker who provides comfort? Please … See the full Hospice Worker article.

Rev. Robert Tucker: Hope never disappoints

Reflect on this story, Lina is a hospice worker. It is a difficult job, watching people approach the end of their lives and assisting families in a complete … See the full Hospice Worker article.