Category: Social Worker

Valorie Clore Obituary (2024) – Kalamazoo, MI

As a social worker, Val worked for Family & Children Services, as a hospice social worker, and finally at Riverwood Center in Berrien County. Val … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

The Deathbed Regrets Voter Guide | MedPage Today

As a hospice social worker and death doula I have worked with hundreds of dying people from all walks of life. The lessons I’ve learned from the … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Jimmy Perry Sumner, Sr. Obituary – Savannah Morning News

In 1979, he was named Social Worker of the Year and was presented the Frankie Adams Award on June 1, 1979 for his outstanding volunteer service. Jimmy … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.