Category: Social Worker

Anonymous donor pledges to match donations up to $100K

Annual appeal for Hospice Simcoe runs through to the end of the year; … Our second location on Bell Farm Road has allowed our social worker and … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Most people wait too long before asking for hospice services

Historians believe that hospice care originated in Europe during the medieval … Our social worker has assisted loved ones with completing financial … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Voters elect Conroe ISD board members

She has worked as a medical hospice social worker but is now a full-time stay at home mother. She told the Courier in September that she chose to … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Daily News Frontline Hero: Denny Kartchner, social worker

On top of working with the patients themselves, Kartchner also works with their families, both through the hospice period and after. He’s helped run a … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Nicole Robinson loses courageous battle with terminal cancer

The 33-year-old, who was a qualified social worker, spent her final days in St Mary’s Hospice. Her friend, Andrea Newton, from Barrow, described her … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.