Category: Social Worker

Marlys J. Nordgren

… it was at Carlton where she met another social worker named Reuben Nordgren. … She stayed home to raise their three children before resuming her social work career, joining the hospice team at North Memorial Medical Center. See the…

A lifelong helper, finds herself needing help

Susan Benton spent decades working for Hospice Buffalo, as a social worker. She assisted those near death and their families. See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Hospice of Huntington offers virtual grief support

… only able to work with you if your family member was a hospice patient,” explains Beth Chiappone, bereavement social worker, in a news release. See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Myrna Little

A special thank you to Regina Tucker-Frazier and each hospice nurse, social worker, and chaplain that helped make this process as tolerable as … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

BSA Hospice of Southwest hosting virtual support groups

Deborah Andrews, the Bereavement Coordinator and a licensed clinical social worker, will facilitate the groups. She said this is a safe and confidential … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Connecticut Hospice Celebrates Sending COVID-19 Patient Home

“It makes all the difference to be able to be reunited with their family,” Kelsey Cunha, a social worker said. “Through the window visits they get to see … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.