Category: Social Worker

Care Dimensions recognizes Saugus social worker Stomieroski

The major goals of these hospice and palliative care social workers include encouraging expression of feelings, enhancing family communication, … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

All Care Hospice welcomes new bereavement coordinator

Frankel has been a social worker for more than 30 years and has worked in the hospice sector for more than a decade. She has created and … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Letter to the editor: Social workers — generations strong

Social workers can work as politicians, advocates, healthcare workers, mental health counselors; they work in hospice, child welfare, education, and the … Social worker Jane Adams was the first American woman to win the Nobel … See the full Hospice Social…

‘A Season in Shangri-la’ at SL Free Library

Margaret put her experience as a hospice social worker to use in the Palliative Care and Oncology program at the hospital. In addition, she taught … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Abandoned children in need of end-of-life care find new home in rural KZN

Prior to starting Izandla, Tarryn worked as a social worker at Mseleni … “When [the] child is abandoned in hospital, protocol is that a social worker from [the] … there are four registered hospice facilities specifically for children in KZN.…

Events Calendar: March 10-16

Facilitated by Megan Dardis Kunz, Hospice of North Idaho Social Worker in the Silver Valley. For details, call 208-772-7994. • It Club after-school … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Osceola man biking coast to coast for Hospice

She was a social worker. She worked for Memorial Hospital. She spent her whole career helping people,” says Coddington. At the time, her daughter … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.