Category: Social Worker

919 SOW shares holiday spirit

“Nine times out of ten, the patients cry when they get these trees,” said Jennifer McDaniel, a clinical social worker for Emerald Coast Hospice. See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Chaplain, champion, caregiver

Her mother became a social worker after her dad died in the Second World War … Brownlee got involved with Jocelyn House, Manitoba’s first hospice. See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Social workers offer help to OCPS students

Before the move by OCPS, a single social worker served multiple school. Now, each school … She also served as a social worker at a hospice facility. See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Ask the Expert:

Stephanie Bootsma, LSW, MSW. is a medical social worker for Karen Ann Quinlan Hospice. Q: What kind of support/services can I expect when placed … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Hospice helps families cope with grief during the holidays

Hospice helps families cope with grief during the holidays … Kaweah Delta Hospice wants to remind those coping with loss that grief is natural and … a nurse, a hospice aide, a chaplain, a social worker and bereavement counseling. See…

Memories of lost loved ones honored at Tree of Life ceremony

Social worker Kaitlyn Wenke shared the purpose of hospice and why it’s important for people who have lost loved ones to gather together and share … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Staff, volunteers and families prepare for Carlisle Santa Dash

Fellow team member and hospice Social Worker, Wendy Ashton, added “It is great to support Jigsaw as a staff team. We vary from Doctors to Nurses … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Hospice Simcoe marks decade providing end-of-life care

Hospice Simcoe marks decade providing end-of-life care … Hospice Simcoe was founded in 1988 and opened our residential program in December … Farm Road, allowing our social worker and volunteer team to provide emotional, … See the full Hospice Social Worker…

Hospices Rebrand to Shake Stigma, Reflect Scope of Service

Hospices Rebrand to Shake Stigma, Reflect Scope of Service … As hospices nationwide develop new services to engage patients further upstream, … and social worker who provide disease process education, emotional support, … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Caretakers surprise WWII veteran with missing medals

When his nurse, Terry Mumma, and hospice social worker, Jacki Grogan, found out that Dineen had been awarded two Purple Hearts but lost them, … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.