Category: Volunteers!

James P. McGuinness

He was a volunteer van driver for the Disabled American Veterans Shuttle to the Gainesville Veterans Hospital. He also volunteered at Cornerstone … See the full Hospice Volunteers article.

Celebrating life at Lakeside Hospice

Lakeside Hospice held their annual open house and luncheon to share what they do for the community and celebrate their volunteers, patients, and … See the full Hospice Volunteers article.

Hospice of Humboldt marks 40th year in the community

Hospice of Humboldt has been serving families locally for four decades, has a staff of over 100 employees and has worked with 119 volunteers. See the full Hospice Volunteers article.

EDITORIAL: Hospice professionals to be commended for vital work

During this month, we would like to commend the hospice professionals and volunteers for the vitally important work that they do – allowing those with … See the full Hospice Volunteers article.

Hospice House Celebrates 10 Years of Helping Families

Designed to feel like a home, the facility also houses the Hospice of St. Mary’s offices. Volunteers prepare meals, maintain cleanliness, do errands and … See the full Hospice Volunteers article.

Serenity HospiceCare to celebrate 30 years

Executive Director, Gayla Sisk said HospiceCare started with only volunteers because they believed hospice care should be available to everyone, … See the full Hospice Volunteers article.

9/11 Survivors Turning To Hospice Care

Hospices have grown adept at caring for the unique needs of special … First responders, volunteers, military personnel and others who worked at the … See the full Hospice Volunteers article.