Author: Asst Editor

Hospice care provider offers free youth bereavement camp

“Children experience grief differently than adults,” said Jessica Curd, a social worker at Our Hospice of South Central Indiana. “Children often grieve in … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Where hospices are at their worst, Christians have a mission

One woman in hospice care was repeatedly abused by her daughter, who was also her caregiver. The hospice’s social worker was notified of the … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Happenings in Wellesley

Volunteer opportunities with Constellation Hospice: Constellation Hospice is seeking hospice volunteers for patient/family visits or office work, in the … See the full Hospice Volunteers article.

Sign up and cycle to support hospice

By raising £20 through sponsorship, or an additional donation, you will help to cover the cost of one nurse for one hour which is a truly special gift for … See the full Hospice Nurses article.

New hospice course is a joint effort

Patti Warning, Highpoint Health Hospice Bereavement Counselor. … was a comprehensive program which offers visits by a social worker, counselor, … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

DeMattia earns trauma certification

Demattia, a licensed certified social worker and certified grief counselor, has worked in the home care and hospice field since 2002 and has been … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.