Cornerstone Hospice and Palliative Care support group with a trained bereavement counselor to facilitate a discussion to understand the grieving … See the full Bereavement Counselors article.
Author: Asst Editor
Accolades: Students Rate UVA Darden No. 1 for Inspiring, Supportive Professors
Wiencek – an acute care nurse practitioner, advanced certified hospice and palliative care nurse and a longtime critical care nursing alumna of the … See the full Hospice Nurses article.
Hundreds of US hospices have at least one “serious deficiency,” report says
At one hospice center mentioned in the report, a nurse didn’t tell the physician about a patient’s escalating pain or increasing use of pain medication. See the full Hospice Nurses article.
Pleasanton: Recruitment underway for Hope 100 Golf Marathon
Pleasanton: Recruitment underway for Hope 100 Golf Marathon Content: Hope Hospice is looking for energetic golfers looking to give back to a … event of this size,” Hope Hospice CEO Jennifer Hansen said in a statement. Item content: Hope Hospice…
Hospice workshop set for Shelter Island
Hospice workshop set for Shelter Island Content: Speakers will include East End Hospice’s CEO Mary Crosby and a hospice social worker, nurse and minister and, likely, someone who has used … Item content: Speakers will include East End Hospice’s CEO Mary…