Category: Social Worker

HC Hospice presents We Honor Veterans program

… Hospice Veteran Volunteers — Mark Grinhaug and Ricky Woods; Hospice Social Worker — Sue Eggerichs; Veterans Affairs — Marshall Rogne; … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Fortunate and grateful for hospice care

I am tended by trained medical professionals including nurses, hospice aides, pharmacists, a social worker, a physician, and a spiritual advisor. The … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Your most important “life” documents

In my professional role as a social worker who has worked with patients and … Tim Rogers, the President and CEO of the Association of Home and Hospice Care of North Carolina has been advocating for adults to complete their ……

Essential Nature Of Social Work

My background as a social worker helps me to see past the current … policy, research and hospice (just to name a few) would suffer or be totally … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Face to Face: Grief in the Time of COVID

His research is informed by nearly a decade of clinical work as a hospice social worker. Watch their discussion, including questions from the audience … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.