Category: Social Worker

Making your healthcare decisions known

As a social worker for Hospice of the Panhandle, I help our patients complete advance directives so that we can honor their end-of-life medical wishes. See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Social workers continue to serve as behind-the-scenes heroes during the pandemic

“Literally because Dr. Dodie Norton was a social worker, I ended up with … system [and] those in hospice or emergency situations in hospice,” Brunton said, … With the onset of COVID-19, School Social Worker for Talawanda Middle … See the…

Ridley Middle School studets brings joy to ailing patients

“That most of our hospice families chose to include a social worker says a lot about the ways the understanding of hospice care has evolved,” said … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

What would Jesus do?

And me telling them, ‘I’m really sorry officer. I’m a hospice social worker and I just wanted our patient to have a souvenir.’” When our young waitress … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

COVID-19 Forces New Ways Of Administering Hospice Care

As COVID-19 wreaked havoc in Maryland last spring, area hospice … a social worker makes somewhere between 15 and 20, and chaplains maybe … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.