Category: Social Worker

Lewis County Hospice offers free screenings of ‘Being Mortal’

Katie Root, a social worker with Lewis County Hospice, says it’s important for people to have these discussions with family before they get close to the … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Obituary: Dennis W. Brann

The family wishes to thank the Hospice social worker, doctors, nurses and CNAs on Y313 and T353 for the excellent care and compassion given to … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Hospice Month proclaimed

Hospice is also known for being community-minded, and empowering … A big thank you to Medical Social Worker Stephanie Lane, Licensed Social … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Meet Donna

She has been a hospice social worker, working with individuals and their families for 17 years. Her educational background includes a masters … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

As Vietnam Veterans Age, Hospices Aim to Meet Their Needs

A social worker wheeled in a bed for his wife of 44 years, Brenda, and gave her pajamas so she could be comfortable spending every night with him. See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Irma Jean (Schrader) Strop

The family would like to extend a special thank you to St. Vincent Hospice; social worker, Ellen Peirson; RN, Molly Roberts; and CNA, Michelle Ray. See the full Hospice Social Worker article.