Category: Social Worker

I got cancer when I stopped taking ARVs

The people from Little Hospice, Jinja, then asked me where I had been sleeping all along. I told them at the veranda. They then connected me to a … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Avalon Hospice hosts annual memorial service

On Thursday, October 10 at 6 p.m., Avalon Hospice of Dyersburg held its … The service continued with social worker Many Norman who read ‘Just a … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Living on purpose

Loren Hardin is a social worker with SOMC-Hospice and can be reached at (740) 357-6091 or at [email protected]. You can order Loren’s … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

He was always the first

Vannen was admitted to hospice with end stage Parkinson’s and … Loren Hardin is a social worker with SOMC-Hospice and can be reached at (740) … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Hospice CEO: Care Must Move Upstream

Florida-based Community Hospice & Palliative Care, one of the largest … doing pediatric palliative care since I got involved as a social worker in 1985. See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Death Cafes Spur End-of-Life Care Conversations

“I noticed that any time it comes up in conversation that I’m a hospice social worker, people begin telling me their stories,” she said. “So, when I heard … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.

Memorial Hospital adds social worker in oncology

Memorial Hospital adds social worker in oncology … Prior to coming to Memorial earlier this year, Hensley worked in hospice care for six years in … See the full Hospice Social Worker article.